Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Christen's Funeral Message

As many of you know, some because you were there and others because you heard or have read the early posts of this blog, I preached Christen's funeral. While I do not feel obligated to get into the details as to why I chose to do that, nonetheless I believe it is beneficial to do so. After this brief explanation, please take a moment to watch and listen to the message God helped me to deliver at Christen's Going Home Celebration (for that was what is was - this was no ordinary 'funeral service').

*The audio for the message was recorded from the main sound board, so it sounds great. However, since there was not a 'video person' at the service, the video was captured by a few iPhones and an iPad and spliced together for the sake of some sort of visual. Thus, have grace for the imperfections in the video and pay closer attention to the audio.*

To understand the decision, you must first understand the context from which the decision was made. Since 2009, the Lord has been revealing and refining my call to ministry, the overarching theme being that He has called, confirmed, and equipped me to preach, teach, and write. With that in mind, and considering the fact that Christen and I were in perpetual conversation with one another, this was a frequent topic discussed in our home. What was the Lord doing in us? How would this call play out? What would Christen's role in all of it look like? Are we planting a church or building a ministry within our current church? Perhaps the latter first and then the former? We had no concrete answers to these questions, and thus we remained rooted where we were, doing what the Lord put before us while we continued to aggressively pursue His will for our life. Many opportunities came up, which we took before the Lord. He always said, "No, that's not it," because He's faithful to reveal His will to those who ask, seek, and knock like the persistent widow.

I tell you all of this so that you can begin to understand - we were operating under the belief that I would eventually be regularly preaching and teaching somewhere, whether our current church or one that the Lord led us to start. It was in this context that we had the conversation about my preaching her funeral.

It came about because of a few messages we had heard by Pastor Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. I've racked my brain, but I can't think of exactly which message it was we were listening to when we talked about it. However, Pastor Mark talks about this relatively frequently, especially when he's preaching on men in ministry or preaching or marriage, so if you want to do some digging, you won't have to look too far. Start here and see what you find. As an extra note to this, I must say that the teaching of Pastor Mark on marriage and family caused a revival in our home during the final two years of Christen's life. Specific messages of his altered how I prioritized my time, how Christen viewed being a stay-at-home-mom, how we viewed our marriage in light of the ministry, and even our sex life. Truly, our home dynamic underwent a dramatic and positive change. So, should Pastor Mark ever come across this post, I would say to him: Thank you.

It was in one of his messages where he stated that he prays often, if not every day, that God would allow him to outlive his wife, the appropriately named Grace, so that he can take care of her until such a time as the Lord takes her to be with Him. He wants to preach her funeral and lead her in that as well. Christen and I were stunned. We loved it. We agreed at that moment that I would preach her funeral, that I would be the person to shepherd those closest to us in that moment and to speak forth the gospel and the glory of God, the very things for which she and I stood most stridently.

When we had this conversation and came to this agreement, we did not realize it would come to fruition so soon. Remember, we were thinking in the context of 'down the road' where I was already an established preacher. We didn't know that the first sermon I would ever preach would in fact be her funeral. And yet this was what lay before me upon her passing. I told my pastor what I intended to do, and he graciously offered no resistance, only support and encouragement. By the grace of God, on January 13, 2012, four days after Christen's passing, I stood up and delivered the following message. I pray it will be a blessing to you, and please share it with others as you find it beneficial.


  1. I forgot about the moments of applause. When do you see that during a sermon...and this was a funeral!! Just shows...it WASN'T a funeral. People don't applaud at a funeral. They applaud at a celebration. God was there that night...and still comes through the video. Thank you so much to those that put this together...and thanks, Joe, for posting.

  2. Joe, I have been following your blogs and praying for you for the past few days. God has been, is, and will be continually glorified through you and Christen. Your honesty in your blogs has challenged me spiritually and I know will help many grow spiritually as they journey with you in your writings. I remember talking with you about the influence John Piper has had on you...I definitely can see the gift God has given you to teach, preach, inspire, and encourage in the spoken and the written word. The kingdom of God is a splendid confusion.

  3. Joe - I don't think I have ever commented on a blog before. I read a lot of blogs especially of the Christian and theological variety and/or those which comment on these topics. I am usually left with either a good nugget of wisdom to ponder and pray about or shaking my head at the sinful state of humanity and in my better moments, I pray for them too. However, reading through your posts here, I feel compelled to thank you for your insightful, honest, humble, inspiring words. My heart aches for you and your family's loss. While I feel real grief just reading about your trial, the message that is squarely in the fore in your posts is the Gospel. I hope you take this as the highest complement I can offer, and from what I gather from the small sample of this blog, I think you will. I will be praying for God's peace to be with you and your children and I encourage you to continue following God's call on your life into ministry.

  4. Hi Joe,

    I found your blog through Mark Driscoll's "trash can" contest and have read several of your entries. I'm not sure that I have anything different to say regarding the clarity of your writing and the presence of the gospel in your words. God is truly doing an amazing work in and through you. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for loving God the way that you do, it is a blessing to so many. I am so glad that I have found your witness.

    I am a stranger to you, so take what I say however you will, but I need to share that as you I was praying for you and your children last night my spirit was deeply troubled. I couldn't sleep Joe, and when I cried out to God for relief He unleashed a well of sadness within me. I wept for you Joe, I wept for quite a while and it was a deep, soul wrenching kind of weeping, that caused me to want to rend my clothes and cover myself in dust. But God was there Joe, God was there, weeping for you too. Just as Jesus wept with Martha and Mary before He raised Lazarus, He too is weeping with you.

    He has a tremendous call on your life Joe, He will do phenomenal things in and through you, but please Joe, do not focus too much on being strong, even in Him. Because He is weeping too.

    My love and prayers for you and yours,


    1. Juli,

      Truly, thank you for your comment. I believe you have touched on something that I have known to be true but have largely kept to myself. The strength people see is straight grace from the Lord. However, my moments of deep sadness and heartache are less visible. I know that God's response to all of this is complex. He is infinitely happy to have Christen with Him, happier than I could ever be that she is free from sin and pain and emotional hurt. Likewise, He is infinitely sad with me and my children, sadder than I can possibly comprehend. His response is deeper and richer than anything we think or feel.

      Though a stranger, you have touched on a place I have been but have not talked about much, and this shows the awesome power of the Kingdom at work in the lives of His people. He has used a stranger, yet a sister, to encourage one of His children.

      Once again, thank you.


    2. You are so welcome Joe. God is so so good.

