Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why I Like: Breakfast all day

From time to time I am going to take a moment to write about the major influences on my life: authors, preachers, music, movies, and the like. I will put these posts up in a thoroughly biased manner because each post will strictly be my opinion. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but hopefully, each post will shed some light on why I think the way I think. And, maybe, you'll come to appreciate them too.

I'll get straight to the point: I like breakfast. I like it a lot. There is very little about the Most Important Meal of the Day that I dislike. In fact, I think it is so important, that if it were at all possible, I would eat breakfast all day, every day.

Think about it: at what other meal can you combine sweet and savory, dessert and entree, all in one course, wash it down with coffee, and call it 'normal'? The typical breakfast menu involves meat, eggs, various confectionery delights, fruit, breads - a veritable cornucopia of cholesterol and sodium/sugar laden dishes simply waiting to be obliterated.

My favorite breakfast order? The skillet. Why? Take everything I just said, throw it all on one plate together, top it with some hot sauce and go to town! With a cinnamon roll on the side, of course.

This is also why I like diners - which is a separate post all on its own. Diners serve breakfast all day, which makes them the place to go when you're me. Doesn't matter what time it is: If I find myself at a diner, breakfast is getting ordered.

Bon appetit!

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