Monday, June 4, 2012

Guest Post: On Obedience by Christen

I was reading through one of Christen's journals and came across this entry. I share it with you in the hopes it will stir you, as it did me, toward love and good deeds.

Obedience is of extreme importance. When the Lord calls you or gives you 'marching orders', listen and respond according to His instruction. Though we have free will, it is not optional to obey the Lord or not. God has a prophetic will for each of our lives and a plan to carry it out. If we don't respond, we're missing out on His perfect will, a chance to be used by God, to honor Him, to be transformed. It is not a matter of deciding for yourself what the Lord would have you do and then convince Him your plan is best. Seek His direction, read His Word, pray, meditate, worship Him. He will direct your path.

Remember Saul's disobedience when he did not destroy every Amalek and their livestock because he listened to the people [who said] that God would be better pleased with burnt offerings. The Lord regretted ever appointing Saul as king. Consider the obedience of David - on a cheese errand for his father [he] slew the giant in the name of the Lord.

Oh Lord, forgive me for my disobedience. Thank you for Your mercy and Your grace because of Your son Jesus Christ, who walked the earth in perfect obedience, even to death on a cross. Help me, Lord; by Your Spirit enable me to walk in Your ways, to hear Your voice, and battle for Your will in my life.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for posting this, i dont know you or Christen but I came to your blog through her sister Jenny's blog, I just wanted to let you know that this really spoke to me. I have come to a cross-roads in life and been trying to plan out my future with no luck.. I know now I will commit my plans to God this very night. God bless you and sweet Christen in Heaven <3
